Breakfast Scene Setup

A well lit white kitchen with white appliances and white furnishings has the sun streaming in over the sink. A Window over then sink looks out on the very backyard where mattie "walks the dog" every weekday morning.

Breakfast Scene

·        You come into a nice breakfast setting. The whole family except Mattie is already down in the kitchen eating breakfast. Her dad is reading the newspaper, her mom is at the stove cooking breakfast and her annoying little brother is eating Twinkies and playing video games.

·        Mattie trudges down the stairs in her long, flowing, Terri-cloth white bathrobe with curlers in her hair. She’s very tired from staying up until 3 in the morning so she can barely keep her eyes open. She slowly walks to the kitchen.

Mom:  Good Morning honey, you’re finally up!

Mattie:  Morning in a tired sleepy kind of way.

·        Mattie sits down at the table and looks at the cereal box, since she’s tired the words are all a blur. She sets down the box and lays her head down to try and get some extra sleep, then her annoying brother decides to make her mad by saying within earshot to her mother.

Little Brother:  Don’t forget your calcium

·        Her mother then gets to work and pours a glass of milk in non-clear glasses and gives them to Mattie and her brother. Mattie picks up the glass in a tired sort of way thinking it’s her Gatorade that gets her up every morning and takes a sip. Her brother then says,

Little brother:  Got Milk

·        She then makes a face of disgust and spews the milk. She then pulls herself from her chair and walks to the fridge, pulls the door open and gets the huge Gatorade bottle. She then sets it on the table and sits back in her chair. Her mom, naïve about what just went on offers to pour some for Mattie. Her mom then pours the Gatorade in the same glass as the milk making a sickening mixture and goes back to the stove. Mattie takes one look at the disgusting mixture and takes the huge Gatorade bottle, unscrews the lid and starts drinking from the bottle. As she finishes she sees her brother about to eat the last Twinkie from the box but he’s about to win his video game so he sets it down for a moment. As he tackles down his game Mattie snatches the Twinkie and looks at the ingredients on the package. Just at that moment the video game starts playing music signaling that her brother just won the game. Then Mattie gets into the music and after drinking her Gatorade all the words go from a blur to seeing them perfectly she then sees all the plants on the ingredient list and sees them being crushed to make oil for the Twinkie. Her brother then grabs the Twinkie back and she is taken away from her vision. Her dad finally comes into the picture as he puts down his newspaper and says,

Dad:  Honey, The stocks are down again, maybe we should invest in something else

Mom:  Ok, you do that dear

Mattie:  I’m going to walk the dog, be back soon.

Scene Ends

Housecoat and curlers.  Dad is reading newspaper. Brother is playing videogame. Brother sees mom then looks at mattie. He says don’t forget your calcium Mom gives Mattie milk. Brother always tells Mom that Mattie needs to drink more milk. She drinks the milk and Brother says, Got milk? and she spews it out. Mattie drags herself to the fridge and gets Gatorade and glares at Brother. (Laugh) Mom pours Gatorade into the milk glass. Mom turns around. Mattie drinks straight from the container. She then sees her brother about to eat his last Twinkie so Mattie grabs it then Music comes from the video game and Mattie is seeing each of the plants and oils in the Twinkies. Music short Dad looks down from paper and says, The stocks are down, honey. Then Mattie tells her mother she’s going to walk the dog. End Scene