Las Vegas Legs: Part Two wrote:

> Dearest Van,
>  ...
> Tell me the ending.
> Mick

Ok, so there we are, heading back towards the car.  This guy has just
told me this whole thing is because, "I have money".  "Shoe-ee, whew-ee,
think, think think, think, "When in doubt, tell the truth, less to
remember" as Twain said.  I say to him, "I have no money, in fact I
barely made it to this gala".  He is quiet.  He doesn't believe me, or
he is calculating his next move.  "How many moves is he ahead", I
wonder.  Scenarios fly through my mind.  I am a hip dude when it comes
to preparedness.  I lock my doors, don't walk alone in dark places...
Wait, I'm in a dark place right now.
Scenario A:  He has my kids, but hasn't told me yet.
                      Better not, no can't even ask... it's destabilizing...
                      Might have to take him , wonder if I can.
Scenario B: He has an accomplice that is getting to my wife
                     while we are wandering around down here.
Scenario C:  We are being observed through crosshairs.
                       He and I are being watched by his hitman friend,
                       based on my response right this second
                       some bad shit is going to go down.
Scenario D: Some combination of A, B, and C.  Think, think, think."
Scenario E:  This is a con, he has nothing but photographs.

Wait, maybe this is a con.  My wife said something.  Something about a photographer at the beach.  A photographer doing Polaroids.  A glimmer of insight comes to me.  Not much time.  I blurt out,  "I have better versions of those pictures".   Hmm, those were Polaroids he just showed me, not very good ones, maybe he fished them out of a garbage can!  Why  would he follow me all the way here, and why have I seen him before?  I look up and see a hand waving from the balcony, looking rearward over the parking lot.  It is my wife, she sees us, she is trying to get my attention.  It looks like a woman is standing with her...

Go To Part Three

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