Ductile Carcinoma In Situ or Lobular?

This image is from a needle localization biopsy from the left breast of a 48 year old woman. On low power the lesion appears to me to be cribriform DCIS but on higher power these spaces seem to be bounded by flattened cells. Is this a variant of LCIS or some other lesion?

This right shows higher power image (x10) of the same area from this left breast lesion. The spaces seem bounded by cells. Is this CIS or some mimic?

Barry Gallagher 1379 12-08-99


Sebaceous Metaplasia

Breast carcinoma in a 85 y/o pt. This unusual tumor (25 mm diameter) exhibits foamy cytoplasms negative to Alcian-PAS stain. The lesion was interpreted as sebaceous metaplasia.