Signs and Symptoms
Important symptoms of breast disease include pain, an unexplained mass, nipple discharge or a change in the skin over the breast.

Breast pain (mastodynia, mastalgia) or tenderness is a common symptom. Most often it is related to the menstrual cycle especially if it changes in correlation with menses and occurs bilaterally.

If a mass, nipple discharge or retraction is associated with the pain, further investigation is needed.

Rapidly growing cysts are another common source of breast pain although localized, persistent pain may also be associated with infection or cancer.

Unexplained Mass

There is an unequal distribution of the occurrences of masses in the four quadrants.

  • 50%- upper outer quadrant
  • 15%-upper inner quadrant
  • 6%-lower inner quadrant
  • 11%-lower outer quadrant
  • 18% around the nipple

A mass is the second most common presenting complaint which may be due to fibrocystic changes of the breast or a malignancy.

    over 80% of all breast masses are benign
  • Fibrocystic disease includes cysts, stromal fibrosis, ductal epithelial hyperplasia, sclerosing adenosis
  • Masses are often related to the menstrual cycle
Nodular cysts and mastalgia generally occur the week before menses, most commonly in the upper, outer quadrant. In some cases restricting caffeine or chocolate intake effectively relieves symptoms.

STypes of Breast Discharge

  • Spontaneous discharge
  • Discharge from single duct
  • Unilateral discharge
  • Bloody discharge
  • Milky discharge
Nipple discharge is not a common presenting symptom.


Serous- Thin, may appear on clothes as a yellowish stain. Bloody - Found commonly among pregnant and menstruating women. Milky- common among women who have recently stopped nursing.
  • Intraductal papilloma
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Carcinoma
  • Intraductal papilloma
  • mammary duct ectasia
  • fibrocystic changes
  • carcinoma
  • galactorrhea
  • pituitary tumor
SChanges in Skin
  Unusual Venous pattern - Pronounced, asymmetric pattern of blood vessels appearing on the breast
Edema - Prominent pores due to the blockage of lymphatic; this clinical sign is called peau d' orange


  • Dimpling or puckering of skin overlying breast tissue
  • Alteration in breast contour
  • Flattening or inversion of the nipple
Scaling/ulceration of the nipple - Paget's disease - A breast cancer which presents as a persistent dermatitis of the nipple and areola.


Puerperal Mastitis- Infection associated with child birth

Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Does not resolve with antibiotics; presents with erythema

Key Points

  • Common signs of breast disease include breast pain, a mass, nipple discharge and changes in the skin overlying the breast.
  • Ultrasound may be used to determine a cyst from a solid mass. Fine needle aspiration of fluid or cell clusters is then used for further differentiation.
  • "Fibrocystic disease" defines many conditions involving changes in the breast tissue which are often related to the menstrual cycle.
  • Changes in the skin overlying the breast tissue which suggest breast disease include dimpling, retraction of the nipple, scaling, peau d'orange, and a prominent venous pattern.