Breast Cancer Nutrition



Clinical Nutrition Trials

   Breast Cancer Nutrition Trials


Facts to Consider About Nutrition

When considering the effects of diet on cancer prevention it is important to understand the gauntlet that both foodstuffs and medication must run before appearing in the molecule.

First, salivary enzymes such as amylase begin to break down certain carbohydrates into simpler sugars. Then in the stomach, acid conditions and proteolytic enzymes break up long amino acid chains into their smaller components. Then in the colon these partially broken down substances are taken to the liver where they are subjected to a multitude of biochemical pathways that detoxify, rearrange and alter the structure of the consumed material. This chemistry is exceedingly complex and adaptive. The body has special adaptive mechanisms that enable the chemistry to create tailor made detoxifications. This makes the long term effects of nutrition and medication difficult to predict and control.


Do Herbs Inhibit Growth of Cancer Cells?
herbs picture.
What happens in the body is much different than what happens in the test tube. Nevertheless, the following substances do inhibit growth of cancer cells in culture, this does not mean they affect the growth of cells in the body, for the reasons mentioned above.
  • Rosemary
  • Tumeric (cercumin)
  • Evaluate survival of active ingredient, create valid experimental protocol
    1. Salivary Enzymes e.g. Amylase
    2. Gastric Juices, low pH, serine proteases
    3. Liver Metabolism e.g. cytochrome p450 detox pathway


  • Phyto estrogens



Dietary Supplements
link to NCI nutrition book.
  • Dietary Supplements
    (tell your healthcare provider)

    • Reasonable Use Of
    • Reasonable Expectations Of
    • Homocysteine as a Risk Factor in Heart Disease, (Particularly
    • Hypercholestrolemia)
    • Three Substances Affect Homocysteine Levels
      • Folic Acid
      • B12
      • Pyridoxine
      • B-12 from tablets prefered



Biochemical Pathways
link to pathways.



Folate Metabolism



Bind to intrinsic factor

Bind to trans cobalamin II