HP Dr. Drake
Summary Notes
L. Van Warren
Chapter 9
Protein Function
In Microcosm
1. Hemoglobin Function
- Hemoglobin is a tetramer, a dimer of ab
- The structural units are related to each other
and to myoglobin (Mb).
- Its major physiological role is oxygen transport.
A. Heme
- Mb and each monomer of Hb noncovalently bind
a single heme group.
- Protoporphyrin IX holds an FE II.
- In Hb and Mb, the iron atom normally remains
in the Fe(II) ferrous oxidation state, whether or not the heme is oxygenated.
- Oxygenation changes the electronic state of the
Fe(II)-heme as is indicated by the color change of blood from dark purple
venous blood to brilliant scarlet.
B. Oxygen Binding
- Hemoglobin Cooperatively Binds O2.
- Hemoglobin and Myoglobin work together as a pair
of oxygen delivery and storage systems.
- Hemoglobin's oxygen dissociation curve is of
great significance. It permits the blood to deliver much more O2
to the tissues than it could if Hb had a hyperbolic O2
dissociation curve with the same 26 Torr p50. Such
a hyperbolic curve has a YO2 =0.79 and 0.54
at 39 Torr for a difference in YO2 of only
- The Hill Equation Phenomenologically Describes
Hemoglobin's O2 Binding
- The quantity n, the Hill constant, increases
with the degree of cooperatively of a reaction and thereby provides a convenient,
although simplistic, characterization of a ligand-binding reaction.
- If n>1 in the Hill equation, the ligand binding
is said to be positively cooperative.
- If n<1 in the Hill equation, the ligand binding
is said to be negatively cooperative.
- Hill Equation Parameters May Be Graphically Evaluated
- The fourth O2
to bind to Hb does so with 100-fold greater affinity than the first.
- Globin Prevents Oxyheme from Autooxidizing
- Globin no only modulates the O2
binding affinity of heme, but makes reversible O2
binding possible.
C. Carbon Dioxide Transport and the
Bohr Effect
- In addition to being an O2
carrier, Hb plays an important role in C02 transport.
- Increasing pH stimulates Hb to bind O2
- The Bohr Effect Facilitates O2 Transport
- In the capillaries, where pO2
is low, the H+ generated by bicarbonate formation is taken up by Hb, which
is thereby induced to unload its bound O2.
This H+ uptake facilitates CO2
transport by stimulating bicarbonate formation. Conversely, in the lungs,
where pO2 is high,
O2 binding by Hb
releases the Bohr protons, which drive off the CO2.
- These reactions are closely matched and cause
little change in blood pH.
- CO2 and Cl- Modulate Hemoglobin's O2 Affinity
- CO2
modulates O2 binding
directly and by combining reversibly with the N-terminal amino groups of blood
proteins to form carbamates:
- R-NH2 + CO2 <---> R-NH-COO- + H+
- Cl- is a modulator of hemoglobin's O2 affinity
D. Effect of BPH on O2
- In the absence of BPG, little of this O2
is released since hemoglobin's O2
affinity is increased, thus shifting the O2
dissociation curve significantly towards lower pO2.
- The presence of BPG, CO2,
H+ and Cl- accounts for the O2 binding properties
of Hb.
- Increased BPG Levels Are Partially Responsible
for High-Altitude Adaptation
- Fetal Hemoglobin a Low BPG Affinity
2. Structure and Mechanism
- Life is based on the interactions of complex,
structurally well-defined molecules.
A. Structure of Myoglobin
- Mb consists of eight helices labeled A-H that
are linked by short polypeptide segments to form an ellipsoidal molecule.
- The structures of oxy and deoxyMb are nearly
B. Structure of Hemoglobin
- The tertiary structures of the a and b subunits
are remarkably similar, both to each other and to that of Mb.
- The a and b subunits in the tetramer are related
by inexact twofold rotations so that the subunits occupy the vertices of a
- The polypeptide chains of Hb are arranged such
that there are extensive interactions between unlike subunits.
- Oxy and Deoxyhemoglobins Have Different Quaternary
- The quaternary structural change preserves hemoglobin's
exact twofold symmetry and takes place entirely across its a1-b2
(and a2-b1)
interface. The a1-b2
(and a21-b1)
contact is unchanged.
C. Mechanism of Oxygen-Binding Cooperativity
- The positive cooperativity of O2
binding to Hb arises from the effect of the ligand-binding state of one heme
on the ligand-binding affinity of another.
- They are mechanically transmitted by the protein.
- X-Ray crystal structure analysis has provided
snapshots of the R and T states of Hb in various states of ligation but does
not indicate how the protein changes states.
- The Movement of FE(II) into the Heme Plane Triggers
the T-R Conformational Shift.
- The a1-b2
and a2-b1
Contacts Have Two Stable Positions
- These contacts, which are joined by different
but equivalent sets of hydrogen bonds in the two states, act as a binary switch
that permits only two stable positions of the subunits relative to each other.
- The side chains therefore act as flexible joints
or hinges about which the a1
and b2 subunits pivot
during the quaternary change.
- The T state is Stabilized by a Network of Salt
Bridges That Must Break to Form the R State.
- Hemoglobin's O2-Binding
Cooperativity Derives from the T-R Conformational Shift
- No one subunit or dimer can greatly change its
conformation independently of the others. Indeed the two stable positions
of the a1C-b2FG
contact limit the Hb molecule to only two quaternary forms, R and T.
- The T state has reduced O2
affinity, because its Fe-O2
bond is stretched by steric repulsions between the heme and the O2
and in the b subunits by the need to move ValE22 out of the O2
binding site.
- Unliganded subunits in the R state have an increased
O2 affinity because
they are already in the O2
binding conformation.
- Hemoglobin's Sigmoidal O2
Binding Curve Is a Composite of its Hyperbolic R and T State Curves
D. Testing the Perutz Mechanism
- C-Terminal Salt Bridges Are Required to Maintain
the T State
- Fe-O2 Bond Tension Has Been Spectroscopically
E. Origin of the Bohr Effect
- It arises from pK changes of several groups caused
by changes in their local environments that accompany hemoglobin's T-R transition.
F. Structural Basis of BPG Binding
- BPG decreases the oxygen-binding affinity of
Hb by preferentially binding to its deoxy state.
G. Role of the Distal Histidine Residue
- Histidine acts as a proton trap.
3. Abnormal Hemoglobins
- Hemoglobin defects give rise to a class of diseases
known as thalassemias
A. Molecular Pathology of Hemoglobin
- 1) Changes in surface residues
Changes of surface residues are usually
innocuous because most of these residues have no specific functional role.
- 2) Changes in internally located residues
Changing an internal residue often destabilizes the Hb molecule.
- 3) Changes Stabilizing Methemoglobin
Changes at the O2 binding site that stabilize the heme in Fe(III) oxidation
state eliminate the binding of O2 to the defective subunits.
- 4) Changes at the a1-b2 contact
Changes at the a1-b2 contact often interfere with hemoglobin's quaternary
structural changes.
B. Molecular Basis of Sickle-Cell Anemia
- 10% of American blacks and 25% of African blacks
are heterozygotes for sickle-cell hemoglobin (HbS).
- HbS Fibers are Stabilized by Intermolecular Contacts
Involving Val b6 and Other Residues
- The sickling of HbS-containing erythrocytes results
from the polymerization of deoxyHbS into rigid fibers that extend throughout
the length of the cell.
- The contact involving Val6B is essential for
fiber formation.
- The Initiation of HbS Gelation Is Complex
- Upon achieving gelation conditions, there is
a reproducible delay that varies according to conditions from milliseconds
to days. During this time, no HbS fibers can be detected.
- No other solution process even approaches a 30th
power concentration dependence.
- One fiber acts as a nucleus for formation of
other fibers.
- The fibers bundle into hex packed groups of 14
with twist along the fiber axis.
4. Allosteric Regulation
- Ligand binding to proteins takes place via other
- These other ligands are known as effectors or
A. The Adair Equation
B. The Symmetry Model
- Homotropic Interactions
For high L values, if a single ligand is to bind, it must force the protein
into its less preferred R state. The requirement that all protomers change
their conformational states in a concerted manner causes the remaining three
ligand binding sites to become available.
- The free energy of ligand-binding stabilizes
the R state with respect to the T state.
- Heterotropic Interactions
- The presence of activator therefore increases
the protein's substrate-binding affinity. This is a positive heterotropic
- The presence of inhibitor (b>0), which only
binds to the T state, reduces the binding affinity for substrate.
- Both homotropic and heterotropic effects can
be explained solely by the requirement that the molecular symmetry of the
- These other ligands are known as effectors or
C. The Sequential Model
- Lock and Key versus Induced Fit
- Induced Fit is a flexible interaction between
ligand and protein that induces a conformational change in the protein, which
results in its increased ligand binding affinity.
- In the resulting sequential or induced-fit model,
ligand binding induces a conformational change in a subunit; cooperative interactions
arise through the influences that these conformational changes have on neighboring
- The strengths of these interactions depend on
the degree of mechanical coupling between subunits.
- The essence of the sequential model is that a
protein's ligand binding affinity varies with its number of bound ligands,
whereas in the symmetry model this affinity depends only on the protein's
quaternary state.
D. Hemoglobin Cooperativity
- To a first approximation, Hb largely follows
the symmetry model, although it also exhibits some features of the sequential
- Such tertiary structural changes are responsibly
for the buildup of strain that eventually triggers the T-R transition.