Fall 1998


Genetic Biochemistry - Lecture 1

Intracellular compartments

Two general cell types [1 Lewin 1.6]

Prokaryotes (bacteria)


· normally single cell compartment.,

· bounded by membrane(s) - give security against outside world


· division of each cell into nucleus (contains genetic material) surrounded by cyto, which is bounded by PM.

· cyto. contains other discrete compartments bounded by membranes

· Membranes

· characteristic properties result from high lipid content · crucial feature of lipids - amphipathic

· one end - polar "head"

· other end - hydrophobic "tail(s)"

· major bulk of lipid

· differ over all length, nature of C-C bond (sat'd. or unsaturated)

· rotation restricted wi C=C, has a bend

· three principal types of lipids [1 Lewin, 2.3]

· (1) phospholipids

· head has pos. charge group linked via neg. charge phosphate to rest molecule

· e.g., PC - choline-phosphate glycerol affached to 2 hydrophobic tails

· lipids based on glycerol have one satd., one unsatd fa tail · (2) glycolipids

· presence of oligosaccharide

· chain of sugars typically 1-15 residues

· in animal cells, connection biw sugar and f.a. tail is sphingosine (long amino alc.)

· lipids based on sphingosine have f.a. chain in addition to f.a. of sphingosine · in plants and bacteria, glycerol connects head and tail

· (3) sterols

· contain steroid ring -


· give rigidity because steroid ring is planar

· cholesterol, prominent in animal cell membranes, has polar -OH group at term.

· in aqueous environ., lipid has polar head exposed, tries to bury hydrophobic tail

· lipid bilayer [1 Lewin 2.4]

· in diff. membranes, lipid composition varies considerably

· both ratio of protein to lipid

· types of lipid

· tf; diff. membranes have diff. biophysical properties

· imp. property of membrane, lipids can move laterally (not between layers) - fluidity

· more readily tails of adj. lipids pack, more crystalline structure (less fluid) ?

· depends on length and type of lipid tails which more f lui SD -

· unsaturated chains more difficult to pack, more fluid

· PM of animal cells relatively large anits cholesterol - increases

mechanical stability

· plant cells lack cholesterol, but have other sterols

· PM only membrane to contain signif. amt glycolipids

· consider membranes as lipid bilayer to provide residence for large protein

molecules [2 Lodish 14-1]

· proteins can move laterally, but difflise more slowly than lipid

· proteins can be internalized due to stimulus, others pass thru

membrane as secreted, tf; proteins associated with bilayer dynamic

· transmembrane protein (e.g., receptors)

· membrane has two "faces"

· cytosolic face

· noncytosolic (called diff. names depending where it is)

· PM, extracellular environment

· organelle, lumen

· uneven distribution of three components [2 Lodish 14-29]

· (1) diff. lipids in diff. monolayers (1,oth polar head group and tails)

· lipids on cytoplasmic face more highly charged, tend to be unsat

(more 2

· (2) proteins oriented so diff. sequences present on each face

· (3) CHO groups (glycolipids or glycoproteins) found exclusively on extracellular face

· PM, exterior of cell rich in oligosaccharides (cell adhesion, cell-cell recog.) · Compartmentalization [3 Alberts 12-1]

· eukaryotic cells subdivided into flinctionally distinct, membrane-bound compartments · lipid bilayer impermeable to most hydrophilic molecules, tf, each must contain

transport proteins for import/export of specific metabolites

· must have mechanism to import & incorporate specific proteins that make organelle unique

· each has own characteristic set of enzymes, other specialized molecules

· distribution systems transport specific products from one compartment to another

· Major compartments - all eukaryotic cells have same basic set · Nucleus

· major site of DNA and RNA synthesis · Cytoplasm

· little more than half total volume of cell

· site of protein synthesis

· most of intermediary metabolism (small molecule degradation and synthesis

to provide building blocks of macromolecules)

· ER

· about half total area of membrane

· membrane bound ribosomes, synthesis of integral membrane proteins and

soluble proteins (most destined for secretion or other organelles)

· this is important difference biw how proteins directed to ER and other

cytoplasmic organelles

· proteins translocated to ER during synthesis, to other organelles only

after synthesis complete

· produces lipid for rest of cell

· flinctions as store for Ca2+

- ·- Golgi apparatus


· stacks of cisternae

· receives lipids and proteins from ER, dispatches to other destinations (usually wi covalent modifications

· mitochondria (chloroplasts in plants)

· generate most of ATP to drive cellular rxns · lysosomes

· digestive enzymes to degrade defiinct intracellular organelles, macromolecules and particulates endocytosed

· endosomes

· intermediates during endocytosis · peroxisomes

· enzymes utilized in oxidative rxns

· Although each organelle carries out same basic flinctions in all cell types, can vary in abundance and have additional properties in different cell types. (secretory cell


more RER · Topological Relationships


· Precursors to first euk. cells thought simple organisms like bacteria (1 2- 3) · plasma membrane, no internal membranes

· PM provide all membrane-dependent flinctions

· pumping ions, ATP synthesis, protein secretion, lipid synthesis

· proflision of internal membrane adaptation to increase in size (1K-i OK x larger volume than bacteria, 10-30 x larger in linear dimension), tf; smaller ratio surface to volume and PM too small for the many vital functions.




O Area = 1 fi Area= 10 4pir^2

Volume=.093 ½½ Volume=2.97 4/3pir^3

A/V=10.7 A/V=3.4

If cell area is lOx larger, the volume is 32x larger (A/V 10.7 ® 3.4).


· 5 distinct evolutionary groups

· (1) All organelles that flinction in secretory and endocytic pathway (ER, Golgi, endo. lysosomes, transport vesicles

· [3 Alberts 12-3], bacteria with specialized membrane patches ("purple membrane" containing bacteriorhodopsin in Halobacterium), represent primitive organelles. In some photosynthetic bacteria invaginated PM, others invaginations seems pinched off completely forming sealed membrane-bound vesicles specialized for photosynthesis

· If euk. organelle originated by this pathway, interior topologically equivalent to exterior of cell. [3 Alberts 12-4]

· interiors communicate extensively with one another and with outside of cell · (2) Nucleus and cytosol

· Evolutionary scheme reasonable explanation for cell nucleus with double membrane. [4 Alberts 12-5A]. Bacteria, single chrom. attached to special sites inside PM. possible that double4ayered nuclear envelope originated as deep invagination of PM.

· ribosomes attached to cytosolic face of PM in bacteria, evolutionary origin of ER membrane from PM may explain why ribosomes attached to ER of euk. cells

· Also, explains why nuclear compartment topologically equiv. to cytosol. (1n higher euk, during mitosis nuclear envelope breaks down releasing contents into cytosol - not seen for other membrane-bound organelles).

· Space blw two nuclear membranes topologically equiv to exterior of cell and is continuous with lumen of ER

· (3) Mitochondria

· contain own genomes (different than other membrane-bound organelles) · Nature of genomes and resemblance of proteins to some present-day bacteria

suggest mito (& plastids) evolved from bacteria engulfed by other cells [4 Alberts 12-SB]

· Inner membrane of mito corresponds to original PM of bacterium, lumen evolved from bacterial cytosol


· May explain why lumen of mito. remain isolated from vesicular traffic that connects lumens of other compartments and outside of cell.

· (4) Plastids - plants only · like mitochondria

· (5) Peroxisomes

· Cells can not construct membrane-bound organelles de novo · when cell divides, must duplicate membrane-bound organelles

· enlarge existing organelles by incorporation of new components

· organelles then divide and distribute to two daughter cells, thus each daughter cell inherits complete set of specialized membranes

· information required to construct membrane-bounded organelle does not reside exclusively in the DNA that specifies organelle's proteins (DNA can direct expression of protein with targeting information, but without signal receptor it would have no place to go)

· Must have info in form of at least one distinct protein that preexists in organelle membrane, and this info passed from parent to progeny in form of organelle itself

· Essential for propagation of cell's compartmental organization (just like DNA essential for propagation of nucleotide and aa seq)

· Protein movement between compartments [5 Alberts 12-7]

· all proteins are synthesized on ribosomes in cytosol except few syn. on ribosomes of mito and plastids

· fate depends on sorting signals - direct delivery to locations outside of cytosol

· most proteins do not have sorting signal, remain in cytosol

· others have specific signals for nucleus, ER mito, plastids, peroxisomes

· can also sort from ER to other destinations in cell

· 3 fundamental ways for movement from one compartment to another

· (1) gated transport - protein traffic biw cytosol and nucleus (topo equiv spaces) in

continuity through nuclear pore complexes [3 Alberts 12-4]

· (2) transmembrane transport - membrane-bound protein translocators directly

transport specific proteins across a membrane from cytosol to space topo distinct

· transported protein must unfold to go through membrane

· initial transport of proteins from cytosol into ER lumen or mito


· (3) vesicular transport - vesicles carry proteins from one compartment to another · e.g., transport from ER to Golgi apparatus

· transported proteins do not cross a membrane, move only biw topo equiv compartments

· Summary [5 Alberts 12-7]

· each mode usually selective by sorting signals in transported protein, recognized by complementary receptor proteins in target organelle

· Nuclear transport [5 Alberts 12-7]

· nuclear envelope formed from two concentric membranes that are continuous w/ER

· two membranes maintain distinct protein composition [5 Alberts 12-9, Lodish 25-10]

· inner nuclear membrane

· contains specific proteins act as binding sites for nuclear lamina that supports it · outer nuclear membrane

· closely resembles membrane of rough ER

· like RER, outer nuclear membrane studded with ribosomes engaged in protein synthesis

· these proteins transported into perinuclear space, which is continuous with ER lumen

· bidirectional traffics occurs continuously biw cyto and nucleus

· many proteins that fn in nucleus (histones, DNA/RNA polymerases, transcription factors, RNA-processing proteins) syn. in cytosol, selectively imported into nuclear compartment

· at same time, tRNAs and "iRNAs syn in nuclear compartment exported to cytosol · export also selective, niRNAs only exported if properly processed

· sometimes complex transport

· ribosomal proteins syn in cyto, transport to nucleus, assemble with rRNA into particles, then exported again into cyto as ribosomal subunit

· Nuclear pores - all eukaryotes

· Formed by large structure known as nuclear pore complex [6 Alberts 12-10] · each pore contains one or more aqueous channels for passive diffusion of water-

soluble molecules


· Many proteins too large to pass by diffusion, so envelope allows different protein composition (ba r ri er - gate keeper

· proteins destined for nucleus, tf, must posses nuclear localization signals that bind to specific receptor proteins in pore complexes and are actively transported across nuclear envelope

· nuclear localization signals (NLS)

· when nuclear proteins extracted from nucleus and microinjected back into cyto, even large ones efficiently reaccumulate in nucleus

· selectivity of nuclear protein import resides in nuclear localization signals

(present only in nuclear proteins)

· defined by recombinant DNA technology - domain swap (explain)

· normally accumulates in nucleus shortly after cyto syn

· single aa mutation prevented nuclear import

· used short lengths of DNA encoding region around mutation to define

localization signal fused to cytosolic protein

· Active transport

· visualized by coating gold particles wi nuclear proteins, injecting into cyto, follow fate by EM [6 JCS]

· initial interaction reqs one or more cytosolic proteins that bind to NLS, help

direct nuclear protein to pore complex (appears to bind to fibrils that project

from rim of complex)

· nuclear protein moves to center of pore complex, actively transported by

process that requires ATP

· using various sized gold beads, opening can dilate ii~


· Export of new ribosomal subunits and mRNA also depends on selective transport

· 20-nm dia gold spheres coated wi small RNA molecules (5S or tRNA),

injected into nucleus (frog oocyte), rapidly transported through nuclear pores

into cyto

· if injected into cyto, remain there; tf; seems pore contains receptors that

recognize RNA molecules (or proteins bound to them) destined for cyto


· use different size gold particles, one coat wi RNA inject into nucleus, other coat winuclear import signals inject cyto; show that single pore complex allows traffic both directions

· mechanism fundamentally different from transport across membranes of other organelles - occurs through large, regulated aqueous pores rather than through a protein transporter that spans one or more lipid bilayer

· nuclear protein transported fully folded (e.g., newly formed ribosomal subunits transported as assembled particle)

· other organelles, proteins unfolded during transport (maybe mito exception)

· ER

· plays central part in lipid and protein biosynthesis

· its membrane is site of pdtion of all transmembrane proteins and lipids for most organelles

· also makes major contribution to mito and perox membranes by pdcing most of their lipids

· ER captures selected proteins from cyto as they are being synthesized

· two types of proteins [7 Lodish 16-1]

· transmembrane proteins, only partly translocated across ER membrane, become

embedded in it

· some will remain in ER, many destined to reside in PM or membrane of

another organelle

· water soluble proteins, fully translocated, released into lumen of ER

· destined for lumen of organelle or for secretion

· all these proteins, regardless of fate, directed to ER membrane by same kind of signal peptide

and translocated by same mechanism

· import begins before polypeptide chain completely syn - co-translationally

· different than import into mito, chloroplasts, nuclei, peroxisomes - posttranslational

and requires different signal

· never released into cytosol; tf, never folds before reaching translocator in membrane

· in contrast, posttranslational import into mito, chioro, cytosolic chaperones required

to keep unfolded

· ribosome synthesizing protein directly attached to ER membrane - create regions

termed RER


· two spatially separate populations of ribosomes [7 Alberts 12-33]

· membrane-bound, cytosolic side of ER membrane

· free ribosomes, unattached to any membrane

· differ only in proteins that they are making at a given time

· when rib making protein wIER signal peptide, signal directs rib to ER membrane

· many rib can bind single mRNA, polyrib usually formed attached to ER membrane

· individual ribs return to cyto when finished translation, mRNA tends to remain attached to ER by changing population of ribs

· polyribs also form wi mRNAs lack ER signal, remain free in cyto, protein pdc discharge in cyto

· signalhypothesis

· signal hypothesis - leader serves as signal peptide to direct secreted protein to ER membrane, cleaved off by signal peptidase in ER membrane before polypeptide chain completed [8 Lodish 16-11]] (un like NLS)

· ER signal peptide guided to ER membrane by at least two components · signal-recognition particle (SRP)

· cycles biw ER membrane and cytosol, binds to signal peptide · SRP receptor (aka docking protein)

· SRP ribosome complex binds to SRP receptor, integral membrane protein (2

subunits) exposed on cyto surface of RER

· Sequence of events

· signal seq cleaved off in lumen by signal peptidase, quickly degraded

· peptide chain continues elongate, extruded through ER mem

· Bip binds to exposed hydrophobic segments

· prevent denaturation or aggregation

· ATP hydrolysis drives Bip release



propcrly, not


· ~~aiibe of to

· small minority of proteins shown to be imported into ER posttranslationally · e.g., yeast alpha mating factor

· as with mito, require cyto chaperones to prevent folding

· like mito and chloroplast, signal peptides cleaved by signal peptidase on luminal side of ER membrane

· signal peptide, by itself, not sufficient to signal cleavage by peptidase; requires adjacent cleavage site recognized by peptidase

· internal ER signal peptides do not contain these additional sites, tf, not cleaved - serve to retain transmembrane protein in lipid bilayer

· single-pass transmembrane protein [8 Lodish 16-17] · Multipass transmembrane proteins

· polypeptide chain passes back and forth repeatedly across lipid bilayer [8 AAlberts 12-


· thought that internal signal peptide serves as start-transfer signal to initiate translocation, this continues until stop-transfer peptide reached

· Post-translational modification of secretory and membrane proteins in RER · Five principal modifications during transit to cell surface

· (1) formation of disulfide bonds - ER

· formation of disulfide bonds in lumen of RER, never cytosol

· confined to secretory proteins, luminal/extracellular domains of membrane proteins

· GSH major thiol containing molecule in euk cells [9 Lodish 16-22] · catalyze formation in ER

· two thiol-disulfide exchange rxns

· lumen of ER, GSH:GSSG ratio ~5:1, optimal for formation of disulfide bonds

· prevent formation of disulfides in cytosol · [GSH] in cytosol ~1 0mM

· GSH:GSSG ratio ~ 50:1, drive rxii to left (toward Cys-SH, away from Cys-S-S-Cys)


· almost all cysteine residues in protein domains exposed to either extracellular space or lumen of organelles in exo or endo pathway are disulfide bonded

· disulfide bonds do not form in domains exposed to cytosol due to reducing environment

· bacteria reducing environment, can't use for synthesis of mammalian proteins normally stabilized by disulfide bonds

· (2) proper folding of polypeptide - ER · Bip (binding protein)

· peptidyl-prolyl isomerase - catalyze rotation of exposed pep-pro bond · (3) formation of multichain proteins - ER

· e.g., assembly of Ab, hemagluttin (HA) precursor [9 Lodish 16-24] · (4) addition and modification of carbohydrates

· Most proteins synthesized in RER are glycosylated by addition of common N4inked oligosaccharide

· glycosylation is one of major biosynthetic fns of ER

· most soluble and membrane-bound proteins syn in ER are glycosylated

· few proteins in cytosol glycosylated (those that are have simpler modification

-- N-acetylglucosamine of Ser or Thr) · (5) specific proteolytic cleavages

· transport from ER to Golgi referred to default pathway [10 AAlberts 13-3]

· proteins do not seem to require specific signals - any protein that enters ER (folds and assembles properly), automatically transport through Golgi to cell surface unless signals detain in earlier compartment or divert it

· quality checkpoint for proper folding and assembly (don't want misfolded proteins to

reach cell surface, may be recognize as foreign, might stimulate immunologic


· tf, ER one of maj or sites where proteins degraded

· Golgi apparatus [10 Alberts 13-4]

· two distinct faces (cis - entry face, trans - exit face)

· both closely connected to special compartments - network of interconnected



· cis GoAlgi netvork (intermediary or salvage compartment)

· trans GoAlgi network

· both thought important for sorting (e.g, proteins entering CGN can either move onward or return to ER; proteins exit TGN sorted by destination -Alysosomes, secretory vesicles, cell surface)

· cis compartment thought continuous wi CGN

· next compartment, medial - central cisternae of stack

· trans compartment, final site of glycosylation - lumen thought continuous w/TGN · Oligosaccharide processing in Golgi

· two broad classes of N-linked oligo [11 Lodish 16-27]

· high-mannose oAligosaccharides

· no new sugars added in Golgi

· contain 2 GlcNAc, many mannose residues

· compAlex oAligosaccharides

· more than original 2 GlcNAc, variable number galactose, sialic acid

(only sugar in glycoproteins winet negative charge), and sometimes


· formed by combination of trimming of original oligo and addition of

other sugars

· which processing determined mainly by configuration of protein

· if oligo on protein accessible to enzymes in Golgi, then likely converted to

complex form

· protein may fold rapidly, so site not accessible

· if inaccessible, likely remain high-mannose form

· each cell type has its own set processing enzymes, thus same protein may be

modified differently in different cells

· processing follows highly ordered pathway [11 AAlberts 13-11]

· each cisterna contain own set of processing enzymes

· proteins modified in successive stages as move from one cisterna to next

· only accepted as substrate if properly processed by preceding enzyme

· forward movement mediate by transport vesicles


· like ER to Golgi, thought nonselective · functional compartrnentalization

· sensitivity/resistance to specific glycosidases used as marker for modifications · not only N-linked oligos altered in Golgi, many other modifications

· sugars added to OH groups of selected Ser/Thr residues

· 0-linked glycosyAlation - series of glycosyl transferases using sugar nucleotides in lumen of Golgi

· some Tyr residues sulfated in lumen of TGN · Asymmetrical distribution

· oligo chains added to luminal side, tf, distribution of carbohydrate on membrane proteins and lipids asymmetrical

· topology maintained during transport ~odish 16-1]

· oligo of 41 glycoproteins and glycolipids in intracellular membranes face lumen, those in PM face outside


· Vesicular Transport

· transport vesicles bud off one compartment fuse with another [12 AAlberts 13-2]

· most transport vesicles form from specialized coated regions of membranes

· before vesicle can fuse with target membrane, coat discarded so two membranes interact directly

· two well-characterized types coated vesicles [12 AAlberts 13-3]

· cAlathrin-coated vesicAles

· mediate selective transport of transmembrane receptors (M6P receptor from TGN to lysosome or LDL receptor from PM)

· coatomer-coated vesicAles

· mediate nonselective transport of default pathway · maybe third type: calveolin-coated vesicles

· PM most cells has morphologically, biochemically distinct invaginations - caveolae

· fn uncertain, may bud off to form vesicles

· Unidirectional vesicular transport requires chemical energy


· concentrating proteins against gradient

· otherwise, proteins would reach equilibrium b/w compartments · transport from TGN to cell surface

· vesicles destined for PM normally leave TGN in steady stream

· membrane proteins and lipids provide new components for cell PM

· soluble proteins secreted to extracellular space

· fusion of vesicles w/PM called exocytosis

· all cells require constitutive secretory pathway (13)

· secondary pathway in specialized secretory cells, soluble proteins and other

substances sorted into secretory vesicles for later release - reguAlated secretory pathway

· hormones, neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes · Endocytosis

· two main types, based on size of endo vesicle

· phagocytosis - ingestion of large particles

· large vesicles (phagosomes), general> 250 nm

· imp in animal cells for purposes other than nutrition

· normally specialized phagocytic cells

· mammals, two classes wbc "professional" phagocytes

· macrophage - widely distributed in tissues and blood

· neutrophils

· defend against infection, digest invading microorganisms

· macros also scavenge senescent, damaged cells, debris

· quantitatively more imp

· phagocytose> 1011 senescent rbc each day

· pinocytosis - ingestion of fluid and solutes

· small vesicles (<=150 nm)

· extracellular fluid trapped, substances dissolved in fluid internalized - called

fluid-phase endocytosis

· most of their PM




· by cell

· e g , ingest 25% own volume of fluid/hour

· 3% Iniri, or 100% ~ 30

· cell surface area and volume remain constant, linked to exo.

· endosomaAl compartment - complex set of heterogeneous membrane-bound tubes

and vesicles, extend from periphery to perinuclear region (12 Alberts 13 -3)

· often close to Golgi, but distinct

· two set of endosomes readily distinguished

· earAly endosomes -just beneath PM

· tracers appear within a minute or so

· Alate endosomes - close to Golgi and near nucleus

· tracer appears after 5-15 min

· interior of endo kept acidic (pH 6) by driven H+

· than

· early endo acts as main sorting station (like TGN in exo pathway)

· many ligands released in acidic environment

· ligands released in early endo usually degraded in lysosomes

· other ligands remain bound, share fate wireceptor

· (1) most receptors return to PM domain they came from

· LDL receptor

· receptor recycled to PM

· LDL goes to lysosome

· transferrin receptor pathway similar, except transferrin

stays bound to receptor, releases iron in endosome,

returns to PM, released in neutral pH of extracellular


· (2) some go to lysosome for degradation

· EGF receptor clusters in pits only after binding ligand

· most do not recycle, degraded in lysosome





· EGF binding, tf; leads to decrease in conc. of receptors on cell surface - receptor downregulation

· (3) some go to different domain of PM - transcytosis





































Directed Searches:

Golgi vesicles: Think of Golgi bodies as protein post offices preparing proteins for transport.
Nuclear Membrane

Lysosome: The cellular composter, breaks down waste materials to their components, pH=5.

Secretory vesicle: Organelles responsible for hormone et. al. transport via exocytosis. Ref A. Ref B.

Mitochondrion: This double membrane organelles are the batteries of the cell. Convert glucose and oxygen to ATP. Krebs cycle and glycolysis pathways are active within mitochondria.

Endoplasmic Reticulum: A three dimensional maze where:

a) large molecules are transported
b) proteins are stored
c) ribosomes are attached
d) fatty acids and lipids are synthesized.