graph G { size="8,10"; ratio=compress; node [style=filled fontname=Arial fontsize=24];
node []; "BCTumorCells" [color= paleturquoise ];
node []; "BRCA1 mutant protein" [color= gold ];
node []; "BRCA1 mutated gene" [color= turquoise ];
node []; "Nature 1997 Sep 11;389(6647):187-90" [color= ivory2 ];
node []; "cell growth" [color= skyblue1 ];
node []; "hereditary breast cancer" [color= thistle ];
node []; "missing BRCA1 protein" [color= lightcyan ];
node []; "human cancer cell" [color= azure1 ];
node []; "human cancer cells" [color= cyan2 ];
node []; "BRCA1 mutated protein" [color= aquamarine2 ];
node []; "p21 protein" [color= lightsteelblue ];
node []; "p21+/+ cells" [color= honeydew1 ];
node []; "p21-/- cells" [color= snow ];
node []; "p21 protein" [color= lightsteelblue ];
node []; "human cancer cells" [color= cyan2 ];
node []; "RAD51 protein" [color= mintcream ];
node []; "transcription factor" [color= burlywood ];
node []; "the cell nucleus" [color= aquamarine1 ];
node []; "cell growth" [color= skyblue1 ];
node []; "this" [color= plum1 ];
node []; "recombination protein" [color= hotpink ];
node []; "repair protein" [color= khaki1 ];
node []; "cell cycle" [color= thistle2 ];
node []; "DNA synthesis phase" [color= maroon1 ];
node []; "human cancer cells" [color= cyan2 ];
node []; "normal cells" [color= mediumorchid2 ];
node []; "cell" [color= wheat1 ];
node []; "breast cancer" [color= honeydew ];
node []; "day 8" [color= plum1 ];
node []; "young women" [color= cyan1 ];
node []; "BRCA1 gene" [color= aquamarine ];
node []; "hereditary breast cancer" [color= thistle ];
node []; "hereditary ovarian cancer" [color= pink ];
node []; "BRCA1 protein" [color= palegreen1 ];
node []; "cyclin-dependent kinases" [color= wheat2 ];
node []; "p21WAF1/CIP1" [color= orchid ];
node []; "cell cycle" [color= thistle2 ];
node []; "cell growth" [color= skyblue1 ];
node []; "19104" [color= lavenderblush ];
node []; "Department of Medicine" [color= lightyellow3 ];
node []; "Howard Hughes Medical Institute" [color= lightsalmon ];
node []; "Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Cell Cycle Regulation" [color= gray ];
node []; "Philadelphia" [color= lightgray ];
node []; "School of Medicine" [color= lightcyan3 ];
node []; "USA" [color= gold1 ];
node []; "University of Pennsylvania" [color= navajowhite ];
node []; "El-Deiry WS" [color= ivory3 ];
node []; "Houvras Y" [color= oldlace ];
node []; "Licht JD" [color= cyan1 ];
node []; "Peng Y" [color= azure1 ];
node []; "Somasundaram K" [color= burlywood2 ];
node []; "Weber BL" [color= gray80 ];
node []; "Wu GS" [color= aquamarine2 ];
node []; "Zeng YX" [color= greenyellow ];
node []; "Zhang H" [color= aquamarine ];
"BCTumorCells" -- "human cancer cell" [label= "are a kind of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= gray20 weight=12];
"BRCA1 mutant protein" -- "human cancer cells" [label= "does not inhibit S-phase in" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= navy weight=12];
"BRCA1 mutated gene" -- "BRCA1 mutated protein" [label= "causes" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= forestgreen weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "p21 protein" [label= "causes expression of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= saddlebrown weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "p21+/+ cells" [label= "does inhibit S-phase cell-cycle progression in" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= indianred4 weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "p21-/- cells" [label= "does not inhibit S-phase cell-cycle progression in" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= darkslategray weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "p21 protein" [label= "induces" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= firebrick4 weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "human cancer cells" [label= "inhibits S-phase cell-cycle progression in" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orangered4 weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "RAD51 protein" [label= "interacts with" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "transcription factor" [label= "is a" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "the cell nucleus" [label= "is found in" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= forestgreen weight=12];
"BRCA1 protein" -- "cell growth" [label= "regulates" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= tomato4 weight=12];
"Nature 1997 Sep 11;389(6647):187-90" -- "this" [label= "is citation for" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= royalblue4 weight=12];
"RAD51 protein" -- "recombination protein" [label= "is a" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"RAD51 protein" -- "repair protein" [label= "is a" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"S-phase" -- "cell cycle" [label= "is a phase" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= green4 weight=12];
"S-phase" -- "DNA synthesis phase" [label= "is a synonym" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= seagreen4 weight=12];
"cell cycle" -- "human cancer cells" [label= "is a property of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orange4 weight=12];
"cell cycle" -- "normal cells" [label= "is a property of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orange4 weight=12];
"cell growth" -- "cell" [label= "is a property of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orange4 weight=12];
"hereditary breast cancer" -- "breast cancer" [label= "is a kind of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orangered4 weight=12];
"missing BRCA1 protein" -- "day 8" [label= "kills mice before" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= red4 weight=12];
"mutated BRCA1 gene" -- "young women" [label= "causes 100-fold higher rates of breast cancer in" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= gray20 weight=12];
"mutated BRCA1 gene" -- "BRCA1 gene" [label= "is a kind of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orangered4 weight=12];
"mutated BRCA1 protein" -- "hereditary breast cancer" [label= "causes" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= forestgreen weight=12];
"mutated BRCA1 protein" -- "hereditary ovarian cancer" [label= "causes" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= forestgreen weight=12];
"mutated BRCA1 protein" -- "BRCA1 protein" [label= "is a kind of" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= orangered4 weight=12];
"p21 protein" -- "cyclin-dependent kinases" [label= "inhibits" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= red4 weight=12];
"p21 protein" -- "p21WAF1/CIP1" [label= "is also known as" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= red4 weight=12];
"p21 protein" -- "cell cycle" [label= "stops" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= darkolivegreen weight=12];
"p21 protein" -- "cell growth" [label= "stops" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= darkolivegreen weight=12];
"this" -- "19104" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Department of Medicine" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Howard Hughes Medical Institute" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Cell Cycle Regulation" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Philadelphia" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "School of Medicine" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "USA" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "University of Pennsylvania" [label= "authored at" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= violetred4 weight=12];
"this" -- "El-Deiry WS" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Houvras Y" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Licht JD" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Peng Y" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Somasundaram K" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Weber BL" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Wu GS" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Zeng YX" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];
"this" -- "Zhang H" [label= "authored by" fontname="Arial" fontsize=24 color= blue4 weight=12];