The transistor of neural networks?
The invention of the
transistor by Walter Brattain in 1947
at Bell Labs when combined with the
invention of the integrated
circuit by Jack Kilby in 1958 gave
rise later to an entire revolution based on a single component.
new component has
arisen and it appears disruptive. It's good to be on the ground floor with disruptive
technologies. Think of tasks that require learning to perform. Think of tasks
that require pattern recognition. There are classic problems in { speech and visual } x {recognition and synthesis} that are
not solved well with transistors, but may work well with biomimic neural chips.
took 30 years for the first revolution to start and 45 to peak, but
communication was slower. If we time compress by the improvement in
communication and correct for the abundance of people who get most of their information
by TV, maybe it still takes 30 years!
- Van