A Gravity Diode

I have come to think about some kind of device, some kind of separating plane that would shield the gravity of one object from that of another. I call this the gravity shield.

Consider an imaginary plane preventing one object from being affected by the gravitational influences of another. The notion of gravity is always combined with the concept of mass. Perhaps the two are separate notions conjoined for convenience.

It is impossible to consider the gravity of an object by itself. It is always in the relationship between two objects that we find sufficient context to measure it. However we can talk about the mass of a single object.

The Gravity Itabimas:

Gravity is the influence of one object on another. The magnitude of this attraction is proportional to the mass. Because of this we assume that the mass has something to do with gravitation. Pretend instead that gravity and mass are just bedfellows. Pretend that there is some way we could separate them. Pretend that the mass of a particle is a component called M and that the gravity of a particle is a different component called G. Assume that even though we've never met an M without a G, that through some strange mechanism yet to be devised, such a separation is possible. Assume that we can separate MG's into their constituent parts, M and G at will.

Let's assume that gravity exists because MG particles send out special influence messages to other MG particles. Let's further assume for simplicity that these influence "rays" can be viewed as unidirectional relations, that can act without being acted upon, like monopoles.

Some options arrive:

1) M particles act only on other M particles:
(M1 Attracts M2)

2) G particles act only on other M particles, possibly in concert with their own personal M particles.
(G1 Attracts M1) OR (M1G1 Attracts M1)

3) G particles acting on other G particles.
(G1 Attracts G2)

4) G particles acting on other MG particle pairs
(G1 Attracts M2G2)

5) MG particles acting on other MG particles.
(M1G1 Attracts M2G2)

If it turns out that MG cannot be separated, then 5) turns into 1).

For the sake of discussion assume that option 3) is true. All gravitation is due to the presence of G particles alone.

When we introduce a separating plane between a pair of MG particles the following could be true:

1) The plane could polarized. We will call the two half spaces "left" and "right". Influences are allowed from left to right, but not right to left. Gravity Diode. Gravity influence rays or currents are not allowed to flow both ways because of the presence of the GSP.

What form might a real physical GSP take? It would not use electrodynamic effects such as potential difference, or charge. It would not employ notions of electromagnetic radiation of a direct or alternating current type. It would not employ RF, visible, X-ray or gamma rays to accomplish it's goal. What is left? Only G radiation, weak in the amounts to which we are accustomed to experiencing.

Option 1: Assume that G radiation, the influence made by a G particle to attract another G, M, or MG particle does not appear to be either polarized, coherent or tunable. Assume particles don't have spin, orientation or other property that could make them stronger in one direction than another. Assume G particles have no polarization, they just attract other G, M, or MG particles.

Option 2: Assume that G is direction dependent at the particle level.
How do we not know that ensemble G effects at the macro level isn't the temporally and spatially averaged effects of a lot of different little vectors pointing in a lot of different directions? How do we know that there aren't different sizes of G particles, bound to different M particles? Maybe some M particles have two G particles. Maybe other M particles have no G particles.

Possibility: G polarization, three kinds:
Kind 1) Side 1: "Come" Side 2: "Go away."
Kind 2) Side 1: "Come" Side 2: "No comment"
Kind 3) Side 1: "Come" Side 2: "Come less"

Kind 1) requires repulsive force to exist. Since attraction is manifested in the large, and repulsion is not, we could conclude that no repulsive force is present in the small.

G particles could have nonspherical topology, needles, donuts.

If G particles were non-spherical, then they might have less gravity influence if they were aligned in some particular way.
Ultracentrifuging and simultaneously cooling two spheres.
Cool as in real cold. Keep the wiggling to a minimum.
Force vs. orientation of the spheres.

- Van

The Gravity Diode - Part Two

This experiment I have proposed does address the GSP plane questions posed above. It suggests a possible mechanism for implementing a GSP device. If we consider the GSP to be a virtual consequence of having "poled" two spheres full of g particles then for some orientation of the spheres, there will exist a virtual plane that appears to attenuate, however partially, the gravitational force between them.

With this experiment posed we can go off in yet a more radical direction. (Why stop now?) If it were possible to separate G particles from M particles, what form would they take, if indeed this view is valid at all? With what kind of a device would one use to split the hairs of each neutron and proton and electron, not to mention their baryon counterparts. We assume that all unaltered material is contaminated with g particles. How might we uncontaminate them? This is a bizarre and weird point of view for sure, but it's fun to think about. If we could not uncontaminate them, could we control their orientation, if indeed orientation is meaningful with a G particle. Remember, we assume that orientation is a possibility since all our experience with mass comes from a temporally and spatially averaged point of view.

Having said all these bizarre and uneducated things allow me to be bolder yet and discuss the shielding disk. What is the shadow of a gravity shielding disk? If you had two round basketballs and a disk that separated them what would the diameter of [the most effective] disk have to be?

There can only be three answers, bigger, smaller, same.

1) the disk could be the same size as the projected area of a sliced ball. This would mean gravitational influence travels in straight lines. The GSD would therefore mask all rays traveling to the other ball.

2) the disk could be smaller than the shadow, perhaps even a point. This would imply that the GSD could attract all the influence from one of the balls and "sink it out".

3) the disk could be larger. This would imply that gravity influence rays don't travel in straight lines. They bend, or diffract. The disk is larger to compensate for this. How much larger? How much can gravity waves diffract to get around the disk? In the limit perhaps the disk would have to be infinitely large to shield one ball from another.

Perhaps the disk would not be sufficient. Maybe the G-rays from one ball will go backwards the other way through the whole universe to get to the other ball. So our disk must now turn into some kind of shield that goes around the ball. Maybe when we make G-rays go through the whole universe the other direction that they change sign. That leave the balls as repulsive rays, but they are so mad after they went through the whole universe that they end up being attractive forces between the balls. Weird, I know.

Then we can get into whether one or more hemispherical shields that would cup the respective balls would do the job and how big they would have to be, smaller, larger, or same size. We could even talk about whether the balls shield themselves from each other or themselves. We could talk about the size of the disk, or partial sphere shields that would be necessary if one of the balls got really big, say as big as the earth itself.

So an interesting device to think about would be a device of any size or shape that could alter the local influence of one object on another from a gravity point of view. The gravity diode.

Consider a third basketball placed between the first two. The first two balls are mutually attracted to the new ball to each other. Any pair of balls taken together appear as a larger mg agglutination. No shielding occurs, rather superposition. We are again left with more gravity when what we sought was less.

The goal of this is not to build anti-gravity boots. The goal is to find out one way whether anti-gravity boots are a) impossible, b) possible, but not practical, c) possible, d) unknown.

If there is a G particle, maybe there are anti-G particles. Maybe you get them by separating anti-MG particles and renting out the anti-G's particles to the anti-gravity boot manufacturers.

- Van