Candidate Fusion Reactions For
Sonoluminescent Ignition
The most important fusion reactions are:
1. D + T -> He-4 + n +
17.588 MeV
2. D + D -> He-3 + n + 3.268 MeV
3. D + D -> T + p + 4.03 MeV
4. He-3 + D -> He-4 + p + 18.34 MeV
5. Li-6 + n -> T + He-4 + 4.78 MeV
6. Li-7 + n -> T + He-4 + n - 2.47 MeV
and T stand for deuteron or deuterium (H-2),
and triton or tritium
(H-3) respectively.
SL in the Lab |
the temperatures found in fission, reaction 1 has a rate
100 times faster than the next fastest candidate (reactions 2 and
3 combined), which are in turn 10 times faster than reaction 4.
The rates of reactions 1 - 4 all increase rapidly (exponentially)
with temperature, but not in the same proportion. At the higher
temperatures achievable by fusion, reaction 4 exceeds the combined
rate of reactions 2 and 3. Other reactions also occur between
the isotopes listed here, but the reactions rates are too low to
be important.
Some additional important facts about these reactions: |
produce fusion we choose a reaction with the highest probability
of occurrence:
This easiest reaction is the one between deuterium (D) and tritium (T). To
manufacture tritium, half-life 12.4 years, one bombards lithium with neutrons. The
production of tritium can also be carried out in fission provided that each event
that produces one spare neutron, releases 180 MeV of energy. If the
spare neutron is captured by Li-6, producing one atom of tritium, which then
fuses, we get a total energy production of 22.4 MeV. See:
neutron produced in reaction 1 is extremely energetic, it carries
away 14.06 MeV of the reaction energy, the alpha particle (He-4
nucleus) only 3.52 MeV.
neutron produced in reaction 2 has an energy of only 2.45 MeV (similar
to the faster fission neutrons), with the He-3 carrying 0.82 MeV.
The division of energy in reaction 3 is 1.01 MeV for the triton,
and 3.03 MeV for the proton. The two D+D reactions are equally
likely and each will occur half the time. In
reaction 4 the alpha particle carries off 3.67 MeV, the proton 14.67
Reactions 5 and 6 are not thermonuclear reactions,
strictly speaking. They are neutronic reactions, like fission,
and do not require heat or pressure, just neutrons in the correct
energy range. This distinction is usually ignored in the literature
. The Li-6 + n reaction requires neutrons with energies is the
low MeV range or below. The Li-7 + n reaction is only significant
when the energies are above 4 MeV.
fusion to occur, one must simultaneously maintain the pressure,
temperature and particle density at a sufficient level. Some remarks on this are:
For the ignition and sustained burn of a plasma the fusion
product n*tau*T of the ion density, the energy confinement
time and the ion temperature has to exceed a value of 50*1020
keV/m3. This has to be realized by ion densities of the order
of 2-3*1019 m-3, energy confinement times of the order of 1-2
seconds and ion temperatures of the order of 20 keV (about
200 Million degrees). While
all these three individual values have been exceeded in present
experiments the combined product has not been reached, yet. Since
the last 30 years the world wide effort to reach this value has
resulted in improvements of the order of 10000, but there is still
a factor of about 10 missing.
2) The first type of generator to be invented relies
on the fact that one of the neutrons in beryllium-9 is easily knocked
loose. Occasionally if it is struck by an alpha particle, like
those produced by some produced by some radioactive isotopes, a
neutron will be released as a result of the collision:
Be-9 + He-4 -> Be-8 + n
+ He-4
This happens in only 0.008% of collisions, so a
strong alpha emitter (like polonium-210) is required to achieve
the neutron flux needed. Ref.
is desirable to use fuels that are cheaper, and more stable
than tritium. Deuterium, the sole fuel in reactions 2 and 3,
is relatively cheap (especially considering its enormous energy
content) and is completely stable. Pure deuterium has been
used in at least one fusion weapon test - Ivy Mike, arguably
the first true fusion explosion in history (1 November 1952).
Unfortunately deuterium, like all elemental hydrogen, is difficult
to store. It must either be highly compressed, or liquefied
at extremely low temperatures. This problem can be overcome
by combining the deuterium chemically with lithium to form
lithium deuteride, a stable solid. An additional benefit is
that through reactions 5 and 6, the lithium can itself participate
in the fusion reaction.
To make use of these fuels, the slower reaction
rates must be offset by compressing them to densities hundreds
or thousands of times greater than those of normal conditions.
At any given temperature the reaction rate goes up with the square
of the density, a thousand-fold compression gives a million-fold
reaction rate increase.
The work required to compress a gas is proportional
to its temperature (at these pressures the physical strength of
materials is negligible, and everything can be considered a gas).
To minimize the work required for compression, or alternatively
to achieve maximum compression for a given amount of work, it is
important to keep the fusion fuel from getting hot until after
the desired density is reached.
The fuel in the fission capsule consists of lithium
deuteride that may be enriched in the Li-6 isotope (which makes
up 7.5% of natural lithium). Natural lithium has been used but
modern light weight designs seem to use lithium enriched in Li-6.
There is some tritium generated by the fission neutrons, but as
noted above the contribution to yield is insignificant. Far more
tritium is produced by the D+D reactions, either directly by reaction
3, or by reaction 5 via the neutrons produced in reaction 2.
Since the D+T reaction rate is so high, and there
is large excess of deuterium, the tritium is consumed almost as
fast it is produced. The 14.1 MeV neutrons can also produce large
amounts of tritium from Li-7 through reaction 6.
A large part of the fusion fuel can be burned before
expansion quenches the reaction by reducing the density, which
takes some 20-40 nanoseconds. The power output of a fusion capsule
is noteworthy. The largest yield ever recorded had a yield of 50
megatons almost all produced by its final fusion stage. Since 50
megatons is 2.1x10^17 joules, the power produced during the burn
was around 5.3x10^24 watts. This is more than one percent of the
entire power output of the Sun (4.3x10^26 watts)!! The peak output
was possibly even greater. Definitely the hot set up for
solar system exploration.
Noble Gas Notes
Helium or argon are examples of ideal monatomic
gases to a very good approximation (they are monatomic, and attractive
forces only become significant close to their liquefaction temperatures).
Molecular or polyatomic gases, ones in which the
particles are molecules of two or more atoms, can absorb energy
through rotation and vibration. Such gases are not monatomic, but
they are still ideal. Under some conditions gases can absorb
energy internally by other processes, like ionization, which violate
ideal gas behavior. When conditions are such that attractive forces
become significant (near liquid or solid condensation points) the
ideal gas law also breaks down.
Perfect monatomic gases are of special interest
to us here, not only because they are particularly simple to analyze,
but because under many extreme physical regimes all matter tends
to behave like a perfect monatomic gas (kinetic energy dominates
other forms of energy present).
Superfluidity in the two helium isotopes is very different, a fact that stems
from the fact that He-4, which consists of two electrons and a nucleus containing
two protons and two neutrons, is a boson while He-3, which consists of two
electrons and a nucleus containing two protons and only one neutron, is a fermion
(Scientific American, December 1976). In He-4, the superfluid state is essentially
a Bose-Einstein condensation of He atoms into a single quantum state. In contrast,
the He-3 superfluid state consists of a condensation of pairs of atoms, somewhat
analogous to the pairing of electrons in low-temperature superconductivity.
(The discovery of superfluidity in He-4, at the much warmer of temperature
of 2 K, occurred in 1938.) Furthermore, because its constituents (pairs of
atoms) are magnetic and possess an internal structure, the He-3 superfluid
is more complex than its He-4 counterpart. Indeed, superfluid He-3 exists in
three different forms (or phases) related to different magnetic or temperature
conditions. In one of these phases, the A phase, the superfluid is highly anisotropic;
that is, it is directional, somewhat like a liquid crystal. To put it another
way, this phase of He-3 (unlike He-4) has texture. This property was exploited
in a recent experiment (Nature, 25 July 1996) in which vortices set in motion
within a He-3 sample simulated the formation of topological defects ("cosmic
strings") in the early universe. Another notable experiment in recent years
was the verification (by Douglas Osheroff) of the "baked Alaska" model. This
theory, formulated by Anthony Leggett of the University of Illinois, explains
the somewhat piecemeal transition from the A phase of superfluid He-3 into
the lower-temperature B phase by supposing that B-phase droplets can be nucleated
within the supercooled A-phase by the ionizing energy of passing cosmic rays
(Physics Today, June 1992).
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